Benji’s blog – safe mask disposal

Benji’s blog – Bag it Bin it!!

 Help!! Be warned there’s a human on the loose without their muzzle (I found one on the ground during my “be quick” break). DO NOT APPROACH the muzzle-less human, back up and woof for help!
Phew, our vet Auntie Sophie explained that the muzzle-less human is less harmful to me than a discarded human muzzle is to my wildlife buddies (as they get tangled in them) and the environment (as they can’t be recyclabobbled).
So to help wildlife and the environment we are offering a free safe disposal service for any used human muzzles! Bag it and bin it in our special bin available during opening hours only.
We’ll send it off to our regulated clinical waste peoples for them to incinerate.
Waggs, woofs and love
Benji xxx
Hey, I nearly forgot to say keep an eye on your post next week, I’ve sent you out a Christmas offer!