Benji’s blog stay safe this Christmas

Christmas safety
Christmas hazards
Stay safe this Christmas

Benji’s blog stay safe this Christmas

“christmas time, mistletoe and wine” – STOP!!

I love that song.  BUT for us little paws (or big paws) eating this mistletoe OR drinking wine will make us very ‘icky.  So STOP you might end up seeing Auntie Sophie if you do that.

Then there’s the green thing that suddenly appears.  My friend Ginge was having great fun playing with the  sparkly balls and stringy stuff on his…. But STOP don’t go eating these as you might end up seeing Auntie Sophie if you do that.

Oh and Mum was cross with me this week as I FOUND my Christmas pressie. I refused to leave the room where it was and whined loads. It worked I got my squeaky toys early…. Yippeeee!! But STOP don’t go opening and eating pressies if you don’t know what’s in them cause you might end up seeing Auntie Sophie if you do that.

There are actually too many things that can make us unwell have a look at the list here on our websites