Benji’s Blog | Staying Cool in the Heat

Benji’s blog… Hey fur buds, I just had to do an extra blog – it’s super hot outside with the yellow ball in the sky shining and I wanted to remind you of my top tips
🐾 Go for a walk early morning or late evening to avoid the yellow ball in the sky
🐾 If you need a pee break during the day find a shady spot a short walk away
🐾 Watch where you walk! Pavements and roads are mega hot and you could burn your paws
🐾 Keep drinking – I’ve left one of my water bowls outside with a towel for you to stand on
🐾 If your human needs to go out, ask to stay at home – it’s so much hotter in the metal box (car) even with the windows open and in the shade
🐾 Don’t play ball until it’s cooler
If you or your human are worried please give us a call for advice.
Stay cool and safe.
Benji xx