Benji’s blog – Safe Puppy Play!

Hey fur-buds, have you been watching the Olympics?  Mum says I’m her Olympic champion, you see I train regularly in catch-ball, swimming and rolling (preferably in sand or eau de fox!!)

For my puppy fur-buds you do need to be super careful about training for Olympic sports; you see your boney bits are still growing so here’s a few tips to compete at a lower level;

  • So you don’t jump and hurt your boney bits, it’s best to start with roll-ball rather than catch-ball.
  • Make sure your human uses a soft ball and if you’re super tiny ask them for a smaller ball, upgrade to a bigger ball as you grow to avoid you swallow the smaller ball and then you’d need to see Auntie Sophie.
  • Only start swimming when you’ve had all your stingy things (vaccinations), and then stick to clean water pools.
  • Rolling can be done at any age, but work up to the eau-de-fox, it’s an acquired smell.
  • Keep your walks to 5 human minutes per month old, generally several times a day.

Have a super good week, enjoy your games safely,

Loads of love

Benji xx

Ps my favourite Olympic sport to watch is the dressage, I like to woof encouragement – Mum says it’s not helpful and turns the box off!!