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Benji’s Blog | Have You Got Noise Anxiety?

Hey fur-buds how’s your week been?   There’s been so many loud bangs (gunshots) on my recent walks and I get so stressed out.  My ears go back, I pant, shiver/shake and run in the opposite direction as fast as I can.  This is super scary for me and Mum especially when I’m not on a lead – that’s how I got lost the other day.

Having chatted to Auntie Sophie vet and my Auntie behaviourists I’m now on a special de-sensitisation programme by the Dogs Trust called Sounds Scary.  It’s free and has instructions and sounds to download (insert shortened url to dogs trust).

Basically, every day I listen to the sounds scary tracks to try and get me used to them. I start at low volume and in a few days when I’m comfortable Mum turns it up a bit higher.

In the meantime, to keep me safe Mum keeps me on a longline so if I do get scared she can put her foot on the end and I can stay with her.  A long line is basically a long lead without a handle which follows me on my walks.  She is also trying to stay calm and not react or talk to me when I’m stressed.

It’s not a quick fix and it can take weeks, but I’m determined to get better.

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